Une Semaine de Bonte (1 point)

This story set is pretty confusing to me. I feel like the first story The Roosters Laughter is a bit easier to gain some sort of analysis from. To me the Roosters feel like a story about necromancy. The first image is a woman dancing/giving power over to a normal sized rooster. Maybe the dancing woman is in charge of taking care of the rooster while it's young. I'm also assuming the dancing lady is the same lady that is in the grave by panel three. In between the first few panels the rooster is developing into a “normal” sized human/rooster person and is all grown up by the time the woman dies. I also think the rest of this story is the original rooster trying to revive his dead female caretaker. Since lots of dead females are shown near scientific instruments or tied up on tables I think the rooster is trying to experiment on the women. The original rooster eventually fails and either kills himself or is killed by another. The roosters or formal humans rejoice about his death. Which also means the original rooster could also hold a pretty important position in whatever country he originates from. 
For the second part of the story, I was even more confused. There's not a lot to connect each panel to another subtract the fact that the main character has an easter island head. The main character definitely is trying to fit with the people around him. But once the female dies somehow he gets most likely framed for it and retalitates. His realtation makes all females around him hate him and he realises his mistake after his crimes have been committed. 


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