March vol. 1 + 2 (4 points)
March was a very good retelling of the civil rights movement though John Lewis’s perspective and actions. The story goes through Lewis’s life and what got him into ministry and the civil rights movement. There was no need to dramatize the characters or stories to enhance the characters or story. No need to have the black people need to look one way and the whites look another. Everyone was seen as a person which is a refreshing story to read. While having the stereotypes of any race can be funny but after a while it's just not funny and it's just upsetting. Seeing black americans as just normal people fighting to be seen as normal like we do now, is really awesome to read. Of course I already knew this story backwards and forwards so the story wasn't new for me. I already understand how devastating and unfair it was to be in this time period and be a “negro.” I wish more people during the whole BLM movement would look back at this and try to emulate what John Lewis, MLK and others, a truly united non-violent protest. Having these looters right beside the protest and people saying that “we have the right” to do this? I hate hearing this viewpoint. “It's just stuff,” “these businesses can recover since they are big,” etc. i never understood why they thought this was a good idea. It would destroy the communities bringing that community down a lot worse than it already was. Going back to police brutality, is such a serious and complex issue that still has racial issues deeply involved. It's been happening since the 80s when my dad was a cop. He left the force because of how deeply racist the force was. He really loved being a police officer but he couldn't understand the force being a racist as it was. I never could understand being truly racist towards a group of people. I feel like this happens when a lack of education occurs. These types of comics should be an easy way of filling in the lack of education in an easy way but the education system barely touches it. Seeing how strong Lewis and others were to just sit and take a bunch of people calling them names and beating them up. Imagining just sitting there and taking the beating. They stayed nice and never fought back. Seeing again how violent/aggressive BLM has gotten since it first started around 2013 is kinda upsetting. The lack of education or one sided education is i feel like the reason this has happened. Only seeing the information coming from the radical side of BLM isn't healthy or seeing a side of it that is only saying they are a bunch of rioters is equally bad.
On an artistic point of view. I loved the abstraction within the text. When some person was becoming extremely hateful their words would turn into a cursive entering more of a scribble esk type. I felt like this helped show one, how mean they were truly being and two, how the characters were ignoring it. It wasn't needed to have more than a page or two of the hateful speech to understand its impact on the community. Also having the characters look just like how they look like at the time was great. I didn't want to see any dramatic promotions with either side of the characters. Their actions are already dramatic enough there is no need to enhance that drama and I'm glad they didn't.
On an artistic point of view. I loved the abstraction within the text. When some person was becoming extremely hateful their words would turn into a cursive entering more of a scribble esk type. I felt like this helped show one, how mean they were truly being and two, how the characters were ignoring it. It wasn't needed to have more than a page or two of the hateful speech to understand its impact on the community. Also having the characters look just like how they look like at the time was great. I didn't want to see any dramatic promotions with either side of the characters. Their actions are already dramatic enough there is no need to enhance that drama and I'm glad they didn't.
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