Mauz comic (6 points)
I've read this comic a long time ago and barely remembered much about the story. I remembered that the jews were mice and the nazi party are cats. I loved how it made it easy to understand the fight between the jews and nazi party. Since the characters are animals it made it slightly easier to digest the heavy topic of the hollocost. Even though the characters are portrayed as animals it never lessens the impact of the situation they are in. it also doesn't make them seem less human than any other animal around them. The story focuses on the son Spiegelman retelling his father's past in the areas the nazi party took over in World War II. While the fathers experience being a jew in nazi terrioty sometimes more personal stories of the father that isn't related to his experience slips though as well. For example the father didn't want to talk about his previous relationship before his wife, Anja. Lucia, the previous relationship, didn't end well and the father felt bad about it since Lucia was Anjas close friend at the time. The father felt as if this story wasn't important to explaining his experiences within the holocaust. He is right about that but without these personal stories the readers wouldn't relate or care as much when he starts talking about the holocost. Even in these side stories, the reader knows that these slightly happier moments will be overshadowed by the ever looming threat of Auschwitz. Even the little snippets of the current day the reader can see the side effect of such a devastating war. The father's body is breaking down a lot faster than if he lived normally. He has a glass eye, has to take lots of pills and suffered multiple heart attacks. An example of the scars he suffers from being alive at this time are him starving himself to prevent him from being enlisted in the army. This unfortunately didn't stop for years since he had to do the same thing while in the camps. Having such a hard period in history to understand written in a comic format helps to truly understand the horrors that occurred. People were really seen as vermin or less than human and they were treated a hell of a lot worse than killing a mouse. Having this topic written in the comics format makes any age who reads this understand a lot easier the gravity of the situation. Since it's written as a story focused instead of a history/facts focused story it makes it even easier to understand.
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