Ghost in The Shell (5 points)
Before reading the manga I was able to watch the movies and the anime. The 1995 movie has always stuck in my mind from the moment I saw it until I got to see it again recently. Seeing the anime as a slightly more mature person really made me appreciate the chosen scenes of the anime. Since the anime goes into a more detailed version of a season compared to the manga it brings a whole new perspective on that once scene. For instance the garbage truck scene. In the manga that scene is wrapped up in a few pages the anime gives just about twenty minutes out of the whole hour and 30 mins of the movie to that small scene. Of course up until that part in the manga it had pages and pages of space to explain its world and mechanics to the reader. I don't think they could have picked a better introduction scene for the movie to help explain how the world works. Most times without many words and just actions it describes the complexity of the ghost system and how similar it is to the human psyche. While rewatching and reading Ghost in The Shell it reminded me of a philosopher I heard of a while back. His name is Georg Wildhelm Friedrich Hegel. Yes, I had to google that name. No way I remembered that tongue twister. His philosophy is summed up to be that to improve we must assimilate with beings that are different than what we know. If we stay with the same mind set or people humanity will not improve and will stagnate. Which is why at the end major assimulates with the puppet master. Humans can't improve without reproduction and most importantly death. We as humans should be learning from our pasts so we can improve but sometimes that doesn't happen when the people in power become stagnant. There are masters and slaves in this phosphy that help human evolution kickstart itself again if it ever becomes stagnate. The masters focus the slaves to do all the work but dont learn anything new while the slaves grow in power. Then the slaves become the master and the cycle continues. The “masters” in Ghost in the Shell was section 9 not willing to let go of the rigid systems and politics of the past while the slaves are the puppet master and major. Even within the show you could see how the puppet master became a master since it started using other people for its own gain. One could even say that this cycle is about to flip within the United states right now…
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